Modest 1st print not intended for torture testing, calibrating, or profile building

It isn’t something to write home about, but it proved to be more of a challenge than I thought it would. I found this model of a pallet on Thingiverse. When my wife saw it she said, "Oh, that would be cute to use as a coaster on the deck. So, of course, it became my mission to print some.
The package on Thingiverse contains 3 STLs: one for the deckboards, one for the runners, and one of the complete assembly. Unfortunately, the distance between the runners is kind of far for good bridging by the deckboards. Whether it’s printed top side up or bottom side up there are quite of few of these gaps to bridge. The creator didn’t include an STL with the 3 runners and top side deckboards all assembled as a unit, which is the only way it made sense to me.
So, I used this as an opportunity to learn more about Blender. It didn’t take too long, and it came out OK. Now that I know how to do arrays in Blender I will redo the design so the runners are spaced exactly equally apart.
In any case, I printed the assembly I made, plus 5 individual deckboards, which I Crazy Glued to the bottom of the unit. Here’s a couple of photos:


Last night I printed another pallet. I left it on the print bed overnight. When I tried to remove it this morning, it was almost impossible. Talk about good adhesion: it was tearing up the painters’ tape trying get it off. In the end I got it off, but not without a lot of blue tape still stuck to the pallet. I took it to the kitchen, sprayed the bottom of a glass baking dish with Goo Gone, turned the pallet blue tape side down into the Goo Gone and left it for a few hours. I was finally able to get the tape off. A bit of a nightmare but all good in the end. And, I’m back to a plain glass bed.

#Ender5r All you need now is a Forklift (Uline Sticky Note Pallet Scale Forklift by SamPerry - Thingiverse) to deliver your sundowner to the deck. Nice print. What filament type did you use? Re blue tape, I am unfamiliar with Goo Gone, what is the active ingredient/solvent?

The filament is CCTree white PLA.

Goo Gone, as I understand it, is citrus oil based, as in oranges I think. You can find it here: [U] : goo gone

ps. I just found this: [U][/U]

Thanks for the links. Interesting product. Uses the same compound, D-Limonene, used to dissolve away HIPS support material.
CC Tree also do a hybrid PLA/ABS filament which can be acetone smoothed.

I’ve never tried acetone smoothing. I gather it’s usually done with acetone vapor as opposed to liquid.